Author Archives: mexicomystic

About mexicomystic

Expatriate American,living in Tlaxcala-Puebla area for the last 49 years. Officially accredited Tourist guide for the State of Tlaxcala.



If I have a choice between regular white cirn tortillas and blue tortillas, I will definitely buy blue ones. The taste is much better.
The oldest corn ever found was some burnt kernels in a cave in Tehuacan Puebla, carbon dated as several thousand years ago. It’s thought that the Otomie Indians first cultivated it.
It looks black but it’s really dark blue.

The Tortilla makers….

More than ZIPPO Lighters


Sometimes my wife tells me ….”You’re just a bum in the park, even worse, you’re a Circus Bum”.

Well, maybe so , I was on the Circus for a long time. But even a circus bum gets to rub elbows with the rich and famous sometimes. Let me tell you about  when I was in Show Biz.  In 1962 I was on the Cristiani Wallace Circus, Italian Brothers with a famous riding act and tons of talent. We were playing in Pennsylvania, I was on the Concessions Crew.


The Cristiani Riding Act

bob circus

Yeah that was me, 22 years old and full of testerone.


We were in Bradford , Pennsylvania, A town famous for ZIPPO Lighters, but I ran into something interesting there and this is how it came about. We were setting up the tent and someone yelled at one of the aerial ballet girls, ” Happy Birthday Juanita”. A lady standing nearby said, Oh, is it your birthday darling, I’m going to help you celebrate. Well this lady bought wine and a cake and invited anyone who would like to come to her home.  Between shows I decided I would go and check it out, I caught a cab and went to the adress, it was a huge mansion and I went inside and they were serving wine. I looked around and there were paintings covering the walls, I was looking at one of several mostly blue figures when the lady said to me, My husband collects artwork, those are all Picassos when he was painting his Blue Period.

hsnley4   Mrs. Hanley in her home.HANLEY and the Train

The Hanleys receiving some Art pieces.

The painting looked so fresh I touched it. Later I heard it was painted about 1904.  There were also Manets and Cezannes hanging in the room.

Mrs, Hanley (Tullah) was born in Hungary, Her Twin sister was also at the party, there was a gong in the corner ,I couldnt resist , I rang it. Tullah started doing a belly dance. She laughed and said she and her sister once did a strip tease act. Mr. Hanley came in, he looked very aristocratic. I had another glass of wine and looked at the time. I told Tullak, Thanks for the wine its getting close to show time I have to go. As I walked out the door another guy who had came in with Mr. Hanley was also leaving and said he was passing by the circus and could give me a ride. He got into a brand new Caddilac. As we were going along I asked him What kind of work he was in and he said He was the Director of State Income Tax. And What about Mr. Hanley, I asked?
He said, “He’s an heir to Quaker State Oil”

Then he said something that surprised me and I thought about what he said for years. He said to me, ” You’ve got it made”. I asked , “What do you mean?”

He said, “You work outdoors under open skies, in the fresh air, you meet interesting people, you travel all year to new places and you’re surrounded by beautiful women.”  I thought, well. yes thats true. And I said, “Well, come join us, they’re always looking for help and you have a  talent obviously for book keeping.”

He said, ” Oh no, I have too much invested here to do that”.  Ah heres the Circus, I got out and thanked him. Later I thought about that conversation. He was wealthy and I was a circus bum….but I had something that he would like to have and couldn’t…it was a thing called Freedom.  It’s like the Kris Kristofferson song , Bobby McGee” that says:  Freedom’s just another word for Nothing Left to Lose.

Sometimes even  a circus bum gets to rub elbows with the rich.

I heard years later that a Picasso painting and a Manet was stolen from their home valued at more than a million dollars but were recovered when the thieves abandoned them in an old shack. Mr. Hanley passed away a few years later and his wife passed away in 1992. She donateed many works of art to museums. She said “Out of all my husbands collections I’m the one he likes to brag about”
I can jus imagine Mr. Hanley waiting at the back stage entrance with a bouquet of roses for Tullahs act to finish.


A couple of years later I was in Bradford again and I spotted  someone I thought was Tullah and I said, “Hello Mrs. Hanley”.   She said, No, I’m her twin sister Amy” So I took her in the Big Top and got her a ringside seat.  Some people even if they’re rich still have the courtesy to talk and act decently toward lower classes, something you rarely see anymore.



Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico


El Presidente  (the orange one), says he’s going to release documents about JFK’s assassination this week . Hah! we’ll see about that. Analysts say there probably won’t be much new material except maybe some things about Oswalds journey to Mexico. Some sources claim he never came but it looks like there was a lot of finagling going on.

After reading all the theories and reports,etc; because I’ve lived amongst Mexicans and get a feel as to what’s a coverup and what has a tinge of truth about it I think he did come to Mexico, we may never get the whole story but you can put pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together and get an idea even if pieces are missing.

It was said… Oswald took a bus to Mexico City and stayed about a week. He stayed at the Comercio Hotel.


I don’t think this place exists, it either went out of  business or went down with the earthquake, it was a dump, about $5 bucks a night in 1963.

reports say Oswald called the Russian Embassy and the Cuban Embassy and went to talk to them. Both places were closely watched and phone calls monitored 24/7, photos taken of anyone entering or leaving. Mexico City was a hotbed of intrigue back then just like Berlin, the Cold war was in full swing.

   The Cuban Embassy 1963

   The Russian Embassy 1963

Then WHERE are photos of Lee Harvey??  After the assassination a photo of a man leaving the Cuban Embassy claiming to be Oswald surfaced.

    No  way!! I think it was a “Red Herring” Another strange thing was the phone calls, the call to the Cuban Embassy asking for an appointment was in perfect Spanish, Oswald didnt speak Spanish…OK, maybe he had someone make the call for him, could be, he was seen at the Quaker Organization Residence (they sent missionaries to Latin America) someone said an unknown Quaker gave Oswald  a ride to the Russian Embassy on a motorcycle. Later it was revealed that the CIA recruited field agents and placed them there from the main office in Pennsylvania. (Odd Coincidence?) Then there was a call to the Russian Embassy in broken Russian but Oswald spoke perfect Russian because of his stay in Russia. Then who was it? Also rumored that Oswald met with Valery Kostikov a Russian KGB Agent .      Oswald in ’63.

According to Mexican Secretary named Sylvia who worked at the Cuban Embassy Oswald wanted a transit Visa from Cuba to Russia but was told it couldnt be done from Mexico City, he left in anger but returned the next day and was denied a visa again. Now here is something that happened that has a ring of truth about it… She told him… MAYBE if you get a letter asking for support from some big name in the Communist Party it would help expedite the situation. Now we hear several rumors that are unconfirmed but very possibly accurate. Oswald was in Mexico another 4 days. He was seen at the University of Mexico (A place loaded with Marxist at the time) where students were having a TWIST PARTY (Chubby Checker was the rage at the time).


It was also rumored someone from the Cuban Embassy was at the party and had said: “That damned Kennedy should be killed” Did Oswald hear that and did it plant the seed of an idea in his brain? Now what happened we don’t know but the person who swore she saw him at the party was no other than the wife of Octavio Paz a very famous and well known Author. Whatever, Oswald returned to Dallas and we all know what happened that November in 1963.


So my theory is Chubby Checker had something to do with it. Maybe we’ll get some answers next week but I hear many Politicians are trying to block opening the documents claimng it would be a security breach.